What is Marg ERP On Cloud? Benefits & Future Scope

If you are reading this, then it is clear that either you want to educate yourself about Marg installation over the cloud or looking for the deployment of Cloud Marg ERP solution.

No need to move your cursor on the Tab cross button, you will get all information on What is Marg ERP on Cloud and how much it is beneficial for the business on this page.Connect Here (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

Let’s Begin!

Like Tally, Marg is one of the widely used software in the domain of Finance & Accounts management.  It is used by hundreds of businesses to handle Invoices, Journals, GST taxation, and more.

Importantly, most organizations used this ERP to manage their sell and purchase resources.

But as we know, the year 2020 is just a nightmare for mankind and worst hit the different business verticals.

However, the presence of cloud technology helps like a best friend to accelerate the business in this unprecedented time.

It is the time when work from home becomes a new working culture to mitigate the virus spread. We have to upgrade our applications too.

This is the point where Marg On Cloud technology works best.

The biggest advantage of using Marg software over Cloud is that it can be accessed from any location that could be your couch, office, coffee shop, home on any device including Laptops, Tablets, Mobiles, etc.

This makes accounts management from home easy. This is the reason businesses turning to host Marg ERP on the cloud.

The next question comes to mind;

How to Configure Marg ERP on the cloud and Is it Safe?

The big question is not how to configure or set up Marg ERP over the cloud. The question is how to choose the right service provider that is providing best-in-class Marg on Cloud service?

There are various cloud providers. So, if you are looking for the best but cost-effective, then go with NetForChoice Marg On Cloud Solution.

Marg Software on Cloud | Marg ERP Accounting Online Hosting (netforchoice.com)

Benefits of Using NetForChoice Service

  • All your Marg server and data housed in Tier-4 enterprise-class data center
  • Access Marg ERP on any device like a mobile, tablet, and more.
  • No upfront hardware cost
  • You can access Marg ERP from anywhere using RDP or NFCApps
  • Facility of remote printing to print invoice without any problem
  • Data security from any potential network attack
  • Option of Marg cloud backup with integrated DRaaS service

Prominent Features of Hosted Marg ERP on Cloud

#1 Option to Work from Anywhere 

One of the biggest advantages of hosting Marg ERP on the cloud is that you can easily assess your data from any location in the world in the presence of internet connectivity. And with the remote print features, you can print documents or invoices from an off-site location.

This feature is very suitable in the COVID-19 situation where the people around the world doing all their work-from-home. Besides, you can easily use Marg ERP on any device.

#2 Budget-Friendly Solution

The best part about the cloud environment is that it reduces your overall cost of maintaining hardware and software. Adding to it, Marg On Cloud model is engineered which completely fits in your pocket.

Furthermore, the NFC team does not ask and hidden charges for their services they charge only for what they are providing to you.

On the other hand, the traditional Marg ERP requires an investment in hardware as well as maintenance of that hardware – that can be an expensive overhead.

#3 Guaranteed Security

Security is another reason why most organizations avoiding the cloud. But let me tell you it is a myth because the biggest benefit of using Marg ERP on the cloud is its data encryption features.

And if you choose NetForChioce, then all your Marg data is saved on an NFC server that is hosted in a Tier-4 data center which is highly protected and regularly maintained. So you don’t need to worry about your Marg Data being compromised or hacked.

#4 Real-Time Database Feature

Marg ERP on the cloud allows you to keep track of your business’s database in real-time. Basically, real-time database features give you easy to manage  database on the go.

You don't need to worry about syncing Marg's data in different places. Our system syncs all your data automatically in seconds without a calculation error.

#5 Backup Functionality 

In the case of any data loss or crash the NetForChoice disaster recovery and customizable backup features restore all your data automatically. NFC using the DRaaS service to backup Marg data, which gives an ease to backup Marg data on on-site & off-site physical storage locations.

Let’s Wrap Up - Marg ERP On Cloud 

If you are scaling up your business and you are still using the traditional Marg system, then it is like you are running a supercar without a wheel. Because traditional Marg ERP is only accessible from the system where it is installed.

However, Marg ERP on cloud not only gives you the wheel but it also gives you a wing to fly your business. So, what are you waiting for configure the Marg ERP system on the cloud today and enjoy the work!

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